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Showing posts from 2008

A Place for Sharing your Creativity

Definitions of CreativityThere are many definitions of creativity; dictionaries give the following meanings: Heritage Illustrated Dictionary:create: To cause to exist, Bring into being, Originate, To give rise to, Bring about, Produce, To be first to portray and give character to a role or part (appropriate to creating fictional characters and writing stories) creation: An original product of human invention or imagination. creative: characterized by originality and expressiveness, imaginative Macquarie Dictionary (an Australian dictionary)create: to evolve from one's one thought or imagination to make by investing with new character or functions. create: author, bring into being, compose, conceive, parent, form, give rise to, throw together creative: generative, ground-breaking, innovative, originate, handmade Other related words re: creativity:creativity creativeness, formativeness, innovation, inventiveness, originality, productivity, craftsmanship, authorship, creatorship ...