· Writing, is the symbolic
representation of language in storable graphic form.It is a
comparatively recent cultural development, having occurred over the past five
thousand years. We have no idea where speech began, but we know that writing
originated only in certain areas of the world. [OPEN PPT]
· BACKGROUND In 1960, David K. Berlo, wrote a book entitled El Proceso de la Comunicación or The Process of Communication . This work focused on the purpose and objectives of communication and addressed Berlo's model of communication which he developed from Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver's Mathematical Model. In this book, Berlo quoted Aristotle, saying that “…the prime goal of communication was persuasion, an attempt to sway other men to the speaker's point of view” (Berlo, David K., 1960, p. 8). His model includes verbal and non-verbal communications. It also considers the emotional aspect of the message. The S-M-C-R Model of Communication The S-M-C-R Model of Communication The FOCUS David K. Berlo's Model of Communication focuses on four elements, namely: the Source (S) , the Message (M) , the Channel (C) , and the Receiver (R) . Under each of these are different factors that ...